"A work resume job description is a section of a resume that lists a job applicant's accomplishments, responsibilities, and projects for each job title. It's usually presented as a list of three to five bullet points in the work history section of the resume.
- Use numbers and action verbs to describe your role and responsibilities. Include as many measurable results as possible, such as statistics, to show that you're objective in your self-assessment.
- Check the job listing for the position and match skills and keywords from it. Incorporating keywords emphasizes the specific qualifications and expectations required for the role.
- Use the same format throughout your resume. For example, you can write employment dates in the standard format of mm/yyyy, even if you don't need to provide exact dates.
- Job title
- Company name
- Location
- Dates of employment
- Job responsibilities
- Soft skills and hard skills
- Measurable achievements and awards
- Specific numbers that indicate how you helped the company."