FINDING YOUR WAY FORWARD: Creating A Reconciliation Plan for You an interactive workshop with jonetta rose barras
THE NATIONAL RECONCILIATION WEEK For Self & Family June 9, 2023 12:30-1:00 pm A Virtual Event FINDING YOUR WAY FORWARD: Creating A Reconciliation Plan for You an interactive workshop with jonetta rose barras Ms. Barras is the The founder Esther Productions Inc. and The National Reconciliation Week: For Self and Family. She has been leading reconciliation coaching workshops since 2004. Ms. Barras is also an award-winning author of Bridges: Reuniting Daughters and Daddies (Bancroft Press 2005) and Whatever Happened to Daddy's Little Girl: The Impact of Fatherlessness on Black Women (RandomHouse 2000). https://www. events-1/the-national- reconciliation-week-for-self- and-family-june-9-2023-2023- 06-09-12-30 "The National Reconciliation Week advances the concept that leading a healthy centered, balanced life requires being in touch with our emotions and understanding the effects they may have on our physical, mental and spiritual health. The process...