Free Copy of Fathering Words by Mr. Ethelbert Miller on October 14th as he is the special guest for Me, Myself & Our Story: The Art of the Memoir, Part 1 scheduled for October 14th from 10 am to 2 pm. It is presented by Esther Productions, Inc and The Institute for African American Writing. There'll be light refreshments and a prize for the best draft essay as voted by participants. So, you won't want to miss this. REGISTER NOW. (Seating is limited to 10) - https://www. events-1/me-myself-and-our- story-the-art-of-memoir-part-1 "Moving beyond the loss of both his father and brother, E.Ethelbert Miller tells the story of how love survived in his family. When Miller was about ten years old, his father told him how he considered leaving his mother. Years later, now a writer and a father, Miller looks back on the simple remark and how it shaped him. In Fathering Words, Miller explores his development as an African American writer, the res...
The purpose of this blog is to share information regarding the consulting services and work that Ms. Afrika Abney offers and provides since 1992.In 1992, she was a high school student and 15 years old. She has over 17 years of professional experience in designing and implementing media campaigns for individuals, small businesses, and nonprofit organizations. Ms. Abney has worked with a variety of clients in the arts and entertainment, media, and non-profit industries.