"DC PCSB is an independent government agency of the District of Columbia, created in 1996, led by a volunteer seven-member board. DC PCSB provides oversight to 135 public charter schools, which are managed by 69 independently run nonprofit organizations called local education agencies" The DC Public Charter School Board has listed several workshops,The Discovery Summit and Scholarship Awards Ceremony, and Discovering Me...Without You: An Annual Personal Essay Contest which were all launched by Esther Productions, Inc in their bulletin in the past. 10-26 - 22 https://mailchi.mp/3dd58c7b5cc2/wednesday-bulletin-795754?e=4ae2bafe99 11-22 - 22 https://mailchi.mp/6b8b007a5b05/wednesday-bulletin-795758?e=4ae2bafe99 11-23-22 https://mailchi.mp/a3197817a7ab/wednesday-bulletin-795770?e=4ae2bafe99 11-30 - 22 https://mailchi.mp/7498c107cc56/wednesday-bulletin-795774?e=4ae2bafe99 12-7-22 https://mailchi.mp/70cf4b50e59c/wednesday-bulletin-795782?e=4ae2bafe99 9 - 20 ...
The purpose of this blog is to share information regarding the consulting services and work that Ms. Afrika Abney offers and provides since 1992.In 1992, she was a high school student and 15 years old. She has over 17 years of professional experience in designing and implementing media campaigns for individuals, small businesses, and nonprofit organizations. Ms. Abney has worked with a variety of clients in the arts and entertainment, media, and non-profit industries.