Blended families consist of warm colors, cool colors and neutral colors. "Warm colors are created using just two colors: red and yellow. These primary colors combine to make orange." "Unlike warm colors, there is only one primary color, blue, in the cool colors. So to get other colors in the palette, you mix some red or yellow with blue to get green and purple. This makes green and purple warmer than blue, which is a pure cool color." "Neutral colors consist of brown, which is a combination of all three primary colors, and the two remaining colors: black and white. The more muddied or gray a color is, the more neutral it becomes." When I think of utilizing all three colors on the color wheel, I think the composition, technique, and materials used to create my painting. For example, if I want to create a painting just using cool colors to represent blended families, I will use blue. Blue is the one color that I use to create more colors. In or...
The purpose of this blog is to share information regarding the consulting services and work that Ms. Afrika Abney offers and provides since 1992.In 1992, she was a high school student and 15 years old. She has over 17 years of professional experience in designing and implementing media campaigns for individuals, small businesses, and nonprofit organizations. Ms. Abney has worked with a variety of clients in the arts and entertainment, media, and non-profit industries.