"Independent contractors, or freelancers, are self-employed people who work for themselves and provide services to clients as third parties. Independent contractors typically have specialized skills and can work on a temporary or contracted basis for multiple clients. An independent consultant is typically self-employed and works through a contract." - Consultant Flyer created and designed by Ms. Afrika Abney - https://msafrikaabney.weebly.com From January 8, 2024 - June 4, 2024, I provided services solely online for the following events: Me, Myself and Our Story: A Creative Writing Institute—a nine-month, three semester writing course for girls 15 through 19; African Americans and Children’s Literature: A Symposium and Exhibition; KALEIDOSCOPE WOMEN’S WRITING COLLECTIVE; Me, Myself and Our Story - Second Session; AACL TOUR; and The Teach Truth Event. The events were hosted by Esther Productions, Inc along with its sponsors and partners. ...
The purpose of this blog is to share information regarding the consulting services and work that Ms. Afrika Abney offers and provides since 1992.In 1992, she was a high school student and 15 years old. She has over 17 years of professional experience in designing and implementing media campaigns for individuals, small businesses, and nonprofit organizations. Ms. Abney has worked with a variety of clients in the arts and entertainment, media, and non-profit industries.