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Join Dr. Rose Shelton, Carmen Haskins, Jacquelyn Smith - Edwards and A. Scott Bolden for IT TAKES TWO…MAYBE MORE: Blended Families on June 9, 2022.

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Rose Shelton, PhD, NCC, LCPC, C.Ht, holds an MBA in International Relations, a master’s in clinical mental health counseling, and a PhD in counselor education and supervision from Capella University with a focus in multicultural theory and social justice advocacy competency.
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Carmen E. Haskins, LCSW, CCTP is founder of P.I.N.K Solutions, PLLC. She is a clinical social worker specialist in High Point, North Carolina. She is the author of a trauma focused book, "Secrets Kill: Come out of the Darkness." Haskins has more than 11 years of diverse experiences with a particular focus on healing from trauma and abuse. Populations served include but are not limited to PTSD, Anxiety, LGBTQ+, relationship/marital issues, depression, and managing stress. Haskins has worked with troubled youth and families as well.
Jacquelyn Smith-Edwards is the co-founder of Building Constructive Communities Foundation (BCCF), a nonprofit organization that promotes health and wellness for youth and their families through education, mentoring, coaching, training, and enrichment opportunities. She is also the founder of Black LOVE 365, which focuses on acknowledging the power of love and celebrating healthy BLACK relationships, marriages, families and communities. Smith-Edwards serves as facilitator of Community Support Circles that provides a safe space for youth and adults to confront life experiences that have created feelings of hurt, anger and shame. This space welcomes transparency and vulnerability. It is also a space where individuals are accepted and allowed to develop healthy coping strategies while healing. She also has worked in prevention services at Henrico Area Mental Health since 2001. Smith-Edwards is a teaching faculty member in social work at Virginia Union Commonwealth University, where she graduated with a master’s degree in social work; she also holds a master’s in Philosophy of Human Services from Walden University.
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A.Scott Bolden, Esq. has been active in the fatherhood movement for two decades; he is a favorite among longtime participants in Esther Productions Inc. projects, although this is his first appearance at The National Reconciliation Week. A celebrity lawyer, he is seen regularly on major television networks sharing his expert analysis and passionate insights on high-profile legal cases and hot-button news issues. His is a powerful voice at the intersection of race, law, and politics. Scott is a nationally acclaimed attorney and partner at Reed Smith LLP, trailblazing white-collar defense lawyer, former Chair of the D.C. Democratic Party, crusader for racial justice, legal commentator, and political analyst. He was inducted into the Washington Bar Association Hall of Fame, received the 2021 Ollie May Cooper Award and was named one of 100 Most Influential lawyers in law and business by Savoy Magazine. His story about meeting and reconciling with his eldest daughter is sure to bring tears while inspiring other dads to connect with their children.   (

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Curated by Parents Rise Network, Leap Learn Live, Esther Productions, Inc, The Spoken Word Ensemble, and Almaz Arts

Sponsored by Kerry S. Pearson, LLC, Fort Myer Construction Corporation Charitable Foundation, Emmanuel Bailey, and JRose Communications.

Should you have any questions, please contact



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