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"Honey, I Love, the enchanting poem from the 1978 book of the same name, is about love and the simple joys of everyday life. With new full-color illustrations by Jan Spivey Gilchrist, this poem abounds with that special tenderness surrounding the everyday experiences in a child's life.
Originally published: 1978
Author: Eloise Greenfield
Genre: Poetry
Illustrator: Jan Spivey Gilchrist"
"Eloise Greenfield was an American children's book and biography author and poet famous for her descriptive, rhythmic style and positive portrayal of the African-American experience. After college, Greenfield began writing poetry and songs in the 1950s while working in a civil service job.
Born: May 17, 1929, Parmele, NC
Died: August 5, 2021 (age 92 years), Washington, D.C."
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