Stop bullying! I do not know how many times that I can express the fact that bullying is unwanted and repeated behavior. Some people are born petite and some people are not. I am petite. I attended NationHouse, Bell and the Corcoran. In each of these educational institutions, I experienced bullying. I am not a teenager. I was a teenager from 1989 - 1996.
When I interacted with teenagers as an adult, I find that many of them find being disrespectful and making jokes acceptable behavior. It is not. I refuse to stand by and remain silent when you know at a specific age that bullying is unkind behavior. Wrong is wrong and right is right.
Calling people all kinds of names because you want to have your candle brighter, benefits no one!
The pandemic mandates since 2020 caused alot of people to experience many things. Mocking, making jokes and spreading false information about someone is bullying! Additionally, I have stated repeatedly that I have not scheduled any meetings with anyone since 2020.
Stop bullying! If you continue to bully me, I will continue to be upstander because I am sending a message to society that bullying is unwanted behavior!
"“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou
“Stop bullying & make a difference!” - Author Unknown
NationHouse - 1982
Photograph taken in 1996