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Choosing Summer Camps

 When I was choosing Summer Camps for a place where I can provide and offer my services, I considered a number of things.


ARTS SPECIALIST. Edlavitch Jewish Community Center of Washington, DC, Washington, D.C. June 20, 2018 - July 25, 2018. Plan and present visual arts classes for students of varying backgrounds and abilities, create a safe, structured, and positive environment for each student; and prepare and disseminate a weekly report for the Program Manager, Justin Love.

WEST AFRICAN DANCE INSTRUCTOR. M.O.M.I.E.S TLC and YWDEP, Washington, DC. SUMMER 2015 Kingdom Kids Care, Washington, DC. Provided West African dance instruction to a group of students for a Summer Camp program such as M.O.M.I.E.S. TLC and Y.W.D.E.P. Students learned a variety of West African Dances, cultural and historical context for each dance with a ½ hour warm-up, and energetic dance movements. Students learned a variety of West African Dances, cultural and historical within the context for each dance. Also provided instruction for students at several other organizations including Kingdom Kids Care, Washington, DC. (July 3, 2013 - July 17, 2013)

SUBSTITUTE DANCE INSTRUCTOR. Joy of Motion Dance Center, Washington, DC. August 2013. Provided dance instruction to students grades 9 -12 in the absence of the studio teacher for the World Intensive Summer Camp.

SUMMER ACADEMY CAMP PART- TIME ELECTIVE ART TEACHER. Higher Achievement, Washington, DC - Metro. July 1, 2013 - August 1, 2013 (Center City PCS - Capitol Hill Campus); and 2003-2004 (Bruce Monroe Elementary School). Created and implemented a visual arts lesson plan for summer program, specific to 5th - 8th grade students of varying backgrounds and abilities. Students gained knowledge and dexterity in specific forms of visual arts, including abstract painting.

PROJECT DIRECTOR. Jubilee Enterprise of Greater Washington, DC. August 2001 - August 2002. Supervised overall activities of after school program staff at three sites. Reviewed weekly plans of Academic Activity Coordinator. Also was responsible for hiring and assigning other employees who served as after school tutors; developed and implemented training program for project tutors; maintained program field; collected weekly timesheets for program staff and implemented cultural enrichment and parental involvement activities; developed and implemented special event honoring student achievers; recruited staff; coordinated and implemented activities for the Building Upon Principles Summer Enrichment and Cultural Program.

PROGRAM MONITOR/ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT. DC Department of Parks and Recreation, Washington, DC. 2001 - 2001. Responsible for oversight of the Summer Arts Program. Duties also included maintenance of the database and general administration.

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