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Showing posts from April, 2024

Afrocentric Education - NationHouse

  This photo was taken of me in 1982. I was 6 years old at that time and many years later, I have given away of the clothing articles depicted in the above photo.  When I was a student at NationHouse. Some of my teachers include: Baba Yao "Willie “Yao” Brewer is a DCTV award winning film-maker who produces short, original community-based documentaries that capture riveting reality stories. He is a multi-talented “one-man band.” Born and raised in Southwest, Washington, D.C., Yao is a Howard University graduate with degrees in Music Education at the Masters and Bachelor levels. He began his documentary film-making career twenty-five years after working as an instrumental music teacher in the DC Public Schools. The digital information age is making it possible for documentary film-makers to use more creativity and technologies to enhance comprehensive stories. With Yao’s work, the entire viewing public becomes an eyewitness or primary resource as he documents stories that encour...

SEEING OURSELVES IN THE RIVER, IN THE MIRROR, IN THE WORLD African Americans and Children’s Literature On Tour Press Release

(Photo credit from Esther Productions, Inc's programs)-  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Esther Productions Inc 202-640-0301 GRAMMY NOMINATED POET E. ETHELBERT MILLER AND AWARD-WINNING CHILDREN’S AUTHOR JOY JONES HEADLINE “SEEING OURSELVES IN THE RIVER, IN THE MIRROR, IN THE WORLD—A CITYWIDE TOUR FOCUSING ON DC’S RICH AND MOSTLY UNEXPLORED AFRICAN AMERICAN LITERARY HISTORY On April 20, 2024 from 3-5pm at the Cleveland Park Library (3310 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, DC),award-winning authors, poets and literary historians E. Ethelbert Miller and Joy Jones will use their own intimate and personal narratives to explore with the audience DC’s rich literary history and the role played by Black writers in building canon and fortifying community. The event is free and open to the public. To register go to: Seeing Ourselves In The River, In The Mirror, In The World...

April is National Poetry Month

  (Photo credit from Esther Productions, Inc's programs)- ​ ""In a proclamation issued on April 1, 1996, Former President Bill Clinton declared: "National Poetry Month offers us a welcome opportunity to celebrate not only the unsurpassed body of literature produced by our poets in the past, but also the vitality and diversity of voices reflected in the works of today's American poetry….Their creativity and wealth of language enrich our culture and inspire a new generation of Americans to learn the power of reading and writing at its best."In addition, similar official National Poetry Month proclamation have been issued by mayors from towns and cities across the country, including New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Tucson, and Washington, D.C.." Join Ms. Joy Jones and Mr. Ethelbert Miller at Cleveland Park Library on April 20th. Please register at